Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Finally done with finals!!!

Only 2 more semesters to go, Summer and Fall, and I be gone, just to go right back. I like to call it the circle of school. I mean, what good is a philosophy degree with out a masters? We shall see.

Oh, well, I know that I had promised to post more often, but, well, I didn't. And for that I apologize.

Any who, back to Holy Week, and more specifically the Easter Vigil. Twas great, a thing of beauty. Incarnation was packed from wall to wall and it truely showed the need for the new sanctuary that is being built, and will be completed this summer, Thank God.

On to summer with me, I'm not sure when the next time I will be able to post will be, but I will do my best to keep up with everything.

Later Days