Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Forget About Me I Love You"
-- Fr. Stan Fortuna

I never realized how good I had it. My family life has always been one of love and caring, my father was always there to be a father and my mother always there to be a mother. I may have lost both my grandfathers but I still have two amazing grandmothers to be there for me and my siblings.

I simply cannot immagine not having this structure built on love to make me the person that I am today, but don't be mistaken, I still have a lot to do to become what God made me to be.

I was teaching my Kindergarten P.R.E. class this sunday about how "Butterflies Are Good", and I turned the lesson into a teaching about baptism by comparing people who aren't baptized with the caterpillar and the people who are baptized with the butterfly. It worked quite masterfully if I may say so myself. I then went on to explain how we, those who are baptized, are adopted children of God and how we are in a spirtual family with all who are baptized and all the saints in heaven.

So, on that, I leave you with a kind farewell,
Forget About Me I Love You.

Your spirtual brother in Christ,
Matt Hudson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!